Thursday, October 06, 2005


Hi Everyone!

Thanks for visiting my web journal! I'll do my best to update it whenever I can, with pictures and stories about my adventure.

For those of you who don't know, I'm about to embark on a trip to Antarctica. I'll be staying at McMurdo Station, located on the Ross Island. While I'm there, I'll be helping deploy seismic and GPS equipment. We fly on helicopters or twin otter airplanes to reach the icebergs. Sometimes, if the weather is bad and the helicopters can’t come back for us, we get to camp out on the iceberg! (I kind of hope I get to do that at least once!)

I’m creating this journal for my mom, and all of the students at the Climax-Scotts Intermediate School, who came to hear me talk last month about my trip. So, to keep you reading, I’ve put questions on different pages of the journal for you to answer. In order to answer them, click on “COMMENTS” at the bottom of the appropriate page. Be sure to sign it with your name so I know who is answering them. You can also use the comments to ask me questions about my trip. The student (or students) who seems most interested by answering my questions, or asking their own will get a gift from Antarctica when I return!

For those of you who have never used a webblog before:
Let me tell you a bit about mine. On the right, there is a column with the headings “ABOUT ME”, “LINKS”, “PREVIOUS POSTS”, and “ARCHIVES”. Feel free to check out my profile and all of the links. The “PREVIOUS POSTS” is the most important link because it has my older posts. Since it is set up like a journal, you can read about days I’ve already written about. Right now, it has three previous posts. Be sure to click on the GPS equipment post because it has a question for you to answer!

Thanks for visiting everyone! I leave on Monday for a long flight- from Chicago to LA to Auckland, New Zealand to Christchurch, NZ. Because of time zone-differences, I won’t arrive until two days after I left! I’ll stay in NZ for one day, where I will be given all of my extreme-weather clothes. Hopefully, on the 14th of October, (NZ time) I’ll fly down to Antarctica!

And so, I have a question for the students: If I fly out on October 14th at 6:00 am (local time: Christchurch, New Zealand) what time and day will that be in Climax, Michigan, USA?



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